Oct 9, 2013

Unfinished Obelisk

You know the  Unfinished Obelisk that name because they have not completed construction.

Archaeologists likely to this obelisk possibly due to the era of Queen Hatshepsut, Eighteenth Dynasty.

However, if construction was completed was the largest and the largest obelisk in the world and has become the largest Egyptian building.

The reasons for non - completion of obelisk :
Varied opinions archaeologists about the reasons for incomplete obelisk those of the most important of those reasons :

  • A crack in the middle of the obelisk
  • injury to disease plague workers so they to vacate the premises
    obelisk,Hatshepsut,Egyptian building.

Still even now obelisk attached to the rock mother in North quarries where ancient place extract granite.

Features obelisk:

  • Weighing 1168 tonnes
  • Height of 41.75 meters
  • Rule 4 m width and 20 cm
  • Summit 2 m width and 40 cm

obelisk,Features,Eighteenth Dynasty,rock
However is a stunning location and to visit and watch.

Oct 8, 2013

Painting with henna

Inscriptions and drawings Henna plant

temples of Karnak "1"

Karnak largest and most important temples in the Luxor area, a temple dedicated to the god Amun.

Famous Karnak due to being indeed a Group of multi temples which were built beginning of
 the 11 the family around the year 2134 BC., When Thebes was the center of the Egyptian religion.

The largest temple built in the ancient world, where an area of about 60 acres
And continued the Building of 1,500 Year.

The temples of Karnak is one of the biggest and greatest constructive what has huge edifices dedicated to the worship of the gods in the whole history of the world . Studies of these temples integrated detailed study is not an easy study complex but is largely Perhaps the reason for this is the disappearance of many parts of the temples and the demolition of other parts , but used set of furniture  for new buildings . There is no doubt that the edifices ten Temple of Amun -Ra at Karnak was filled with still large numbers of pieces of stone that was used Stuffing her and that took most likely of the other buildings and our guide on this is what was found cryptographic inside the edifice third held by the Amenhotep III Temple of Amun -Ra at Karnak .

The temples of Karnak includes ten edifices, six of which are on the east-west axis, and four North-south axis. In addition to the Temple of Rameses III, and a celebration of King tutmo III  and a garden of Amun, and the Chamber of grandparents, and holy lake, the museum is open, which includes booths Senusret I, Amenhotep I, Hatshepsut and Thutmose IV, and agroup statues of the goddess Sekhmet, and architectural elements other.

 And stand in the temple of Karnak obelisks, one of Queen Hatshepsut, and the other of King Thutmose I, in addition to the broken parts of the obelisk of Hatshepsut and others.

Oct 7, 2013

nile river cruises

Remove clothes from the suitcase and Go on a journey across the Nile , provided more than a hundred companies will organize these trips, and enjoy relaxing in your floating hotel walking through the monuments that can not miss seeing it . Exciting experience begins in the Nile when stepping up to the deck that you selected occurred , and take the transition process to about 20 minutes , and when you start sailing ship is a meeting to discuss the trip and its amenities and entertainment available to them . There are ships for different trips each program is different from the other, and flight paths that usually mentioned program represents a week - long trip just one. Nile cruises boats sailing to the most ancient archaeological features of Egypt that you are dreaming visited . The usual duration of the Nile Cruise is sailing seven nights during which between Luxor and Aswan and visit the best archaeological sites in Egypt and enjoy at the same time means the movement of luxury and deluxe hotel accommodation . Include ports covered by the trip charming places such as Luxor and Esna , Edfu, Kom Ombo and Aswan. Featuring Nile cruises ships great features like the panoramic vision that allows you to see all that is around you, and the widening surfaces that allows you freedom of movement from one place to another and watch television transmission which displays scenes on the Nile , in addition to enjoying the night clubs.

 http://ar.egypt.travel/sub_product/index/long-cruise # sthash.EITduhYe.dpuf

Travel to Aswan

Why travel to Aswan?
Egypt is generally one of the most important areas frequented by tourists, including Egypt enjoys km cultural and aesthetic manifestations
Weather ... and how wonderful sobriety atmosphere there, especially in the summer
Nile .... That the most beautiful scenery you see Neil there
Archaeological and cultural Learning about other cultures, especially the people of the Nuba
Aswan was known as « Sono » in the eras of the ancient Egyptians and meaning of the market where the trade center for the convoys coming to and from the heart .
He was in the Ptolemaic era name « O » and called Nubians « Lipa Swan » .
It was known also as the country's gold because it was a great treasure or a graveyard for the Nubian kings who lived there for thousands of years . The boundaries of the old Aswan stretch before the migration of Oceana eastward to the borders of Sudan in the south and the population of Alnobin But after the Islamic conquest of Bladalnobh residence where some of the Arab tribes .
The city of Aswan on the east bank of the Nile at a distance of 899 km south of Cairo , a link between Egypt and Sudan, and so it is the gate to the heart of the African continent, making it an important commercial center .
Aswan with a special place in Egypt , it's archaeological and tourist city , where you find a lot of foreign tourists , who come from around the world to visit , especially from Europe and East Asia
The famous Aswan between the majority of Egyptians as Machta globally has been famous when others mega project carried out in the sixties of the twentieth century as the High Dam , has been famous for when the other goodness of its people and their honesty , but Aswan is famous for its history carved on the stone or the Bzhbha who drafted them masterpieces of jewelry museums of the world and Bahjarha which built most of the effects of which Egypt , Aswan and visit the visitor can be aware of its history, but history keeps Aswan to the greatness of the three cities which Edfu and Kom Ombo and Aswan.
The city's first lie greatness in it's first capital of Egypt, and it's the city of the great King Mina , which remembered the history books as the owner preferred to unite Egypt after it was scattered in the chiefdoms and cities spread over the banks of the Nile , which drove out the heroes who fought valiantly in the Battle of the expulsion of the Hyksos , and the second city Kom Ombo is the city of the god Sobek and Horus large and includes a temple a double unique is not his like in Egypt , which is the only city which has left an inscription by surgical instruments similar to those used by surgeons modernist , while the city's third is the city of Aswan , which was a big market for African products , which are exchanged with Egyptian products , a city which had a stone or sand basalt and granite fingerprints on every inch of the land of Egypt, a city that was left for future generations to know how to cut ancient Egyptians obelisks , a city that was left up to the owners to discover Africa for themselves , a city which has created in its airspace famous opera Aida by .