Apr 2, 2014

Philae Temple Jewel Of The Nile

This little island, an alluvium covered rock of granite, only 460 x 150 m, is situated ca 8 km south of the Assuan Dam in Upper Egypt, in an area which in ancient times made out the border to Nubia.

philae temple
The wellknown name of Philae is Greek. It´s ancient Egyptian name was P-aaleq, meaning "End" or "Remote Place", which later turned into the Coptic Pilak. Incidentally, Philae is located at 24 degrees North and 33 degrees East, which is almost at the tropic of Cancer, i.e. this is where the sun reaches its´ highest point and stops at the summer solstice and turns in its course to go southwards again. It was probably a temple site since the 4th century B.C. according to blocks found from the time of Taharqa (690-664 B.C) Many of the buildings here were erected during the Ptolemeian times. As this was the cult center for the worship of Isis, people came here from all over Kemet and from countries far beyond, to worship the Great Isis, or Aset as Her ancient Egyptian name is. The legend has it that this was the place where Isis found the heart of Osiris and that She, after having collected his shattered body, buried him on the Island of Bigeh, just across the narrow stretch of water to the west. he Temple was built " elephants " originally for the worship of the goddess " Isis " , where they believe they have found the heart of her husband " Osiris " and then on the island of " elephants " , became the island so sacred .. Today up barges visitors to the island " Oglica " , where there is a temple currently, and leave them at the base of Hall " Nectanebo " Hall of Nectanebo, the oldest parts of the " elephants " . Passing northbound outer courtyard of the temple , which is bounded by rows of columns on both sides , even up to the entrance of the temple , " Isis, " where there are towers edifice first . In the central courtyard of the temple , " Isis " no " Almamesy " mammisi or " house of birth ", which is dedicated to the god " Horus " , and was conducted ancient ritual " Almamesy " in celebration of the birth of the god , and the Kings are keen to participate in this ritual confirmation of the identity of a strain of God " Horus . " Back named « Elephants » or « Velay » to the Greek language , which means « beloved » or « grained » . The Arabic name is a « Anas presence » proportion to the legend « Anas presence » in stories « Thousand and One Nights » . The name of the ancient Egyptian and Coptic it is « Bilak » , a name which means to reduce or end, for being was the last borders of Egypt in the south , for about 899 km from the capital Cairo Island is located « Elephants » in the heart of the Nile in Aswan in southern Egypt , comma location unique geographical opposing the Nile to the two channels , and in addition to being one of the most important archeological sites in the city Alosuaneh , the island enjoys a mild climate dry due to its location on the east bank of the Nile , which made it one of the most important Almcati outstanding in the south. And is also a link in the link between Egypt and Sudan It edifice first visitor will find himself driven to visit edifice Second Temples , which has a Bdehles large inside the campus of internal sacred « Isis » , with no ladder aspect Western of this campus climb by visitors to the chambers of her husband « Osiris » , the rooms are decorated with scenes of Nadbat and inscriptions « Isis » , her husband and their son « Horus » and other deities , along with the inscriptions of the kings of the Ptolemies and Romans who built or helped build and decorate the temples. And to continue his career in the same visitor Edifice inside the temples , he can see the temple of goddess « Hathor » It is decorated with carvings of musicians , and south of the visitor finds « booth » called as the Emperor « Trajan » , Nqoucheh incomplete , and the perception of « Trajan » It offers gifts and gifts « Isis » and « Osiris » and their son . Following the end of Egypt to build the Aswan High Dam change if the island so much, and has become the site risk unenviable , between the new dam and the dam old , and almost let an already sinking , in addition to the daily draw of water to drive turbines generating electricity has led to the emergence of ripples going on with nearly 3 meters from the water level , which also led to the destruction of the island stones quickly . In collaboration with the Organization of Education, Science and Culture and international experts in the transfer of the temples were dismantled temples on the island of «Elephants», and rebuilt over the island of the Nile nearby called Island «Ojeljka», after preparing so that they are similar to the island of the original as much as possible, and completed a life preserver around the new island , and became temples «elephants» in a safe position to the risk of water today.

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