Nov 25, 2013

The Sun Perpendicular over the face of Ramses II

sun,Ramses II,Abu Simbel,Amon,aswan               
             Sunlight to Entry "holy of holies" and reach down to the statues of the four
Of the most important features that distinguish the temple of Abu Simbel in Aswan from other temples of the ancient Egyptians entry of sunlight in the early morning to place inside the so-called " holy of holies " and reach down to the statues of the four , Vtdi this place deep in the rock and away from the entrance by about sixty meters. ! !
At five o'clock and fifty-three minutes on 22 October each year sneaking Sunbeam falling over the face of King Ramses flood of light fills the facial features pharaoh inside his room in the Holy of Holies in the heart of the temple , and then multiplies Sunbeam fast component beam of light shining faces of the statues of the four inside the Holy of Holies .
Where the intervention of the sun from the front of the temple to go a distance of 200 meters to reach the Holy of Holies to light up three statues of the four in the inside , and they Statue Re-Hor sister of the sun god , and the statue of Ramses II , which is equal with God , and the statue of Amon god of Thebes in that era , but the statue fourth of the god Ptah, the Lord of Memphis, and patron of art and artists and the god of the underworld does not reach of sunlight , because it must be kept in total darkness like condition in the underworld and then cut off the sun's rays 60 meters other lying directly above the statue of King Ramses II and the statue of Amon Ra god of Thebes, maker framework about the statues along the 355 cm and 185 cm width .

Interpretation of the astronomical phenomenon:

The progress of the ancient Egyptians in astronomy .. Confirms the full benefit of public manifestation in their lives and they knew the characteristics of the sunrise and sunset and the timing , location and length of the solar year .
Vtaamd sun on the temple of Abu Simbel twice a year based on the scientific fact discovered by the ancient Egyptians is that the sunrise from East Point completely and sunset from the point of the West completely on atheist and the twentieth of March, and then change point rise by a quarter degree almost every day to the north where up in the sunrise -to-point by about 23 degrees and 27 minutes north of the East in the twenty-second of June. Ramses 2

That the sun is back again to shine from East Point in exactly the same rate moves towards the north to reach the point of the Middle completely in the atheist and the twentieth of September, and then change the point of sunrise at a rate of a quarter degree almost to the south to become within 23 degrees and 27 minutes south of the East in the second twenty of the month of December of each year and then come back at the same rate to reach a point in the Middle completely atheist and the twentieth of March.

Was based on the ancient Egyptians in the discovery that the sun to pass on every point during sunrise and sunset twice each year , and that the distance of time between them will vary depending on each point after point for the Middle completely .

And that the sun passes over the face of Ramses II, twice a year , on the twenty-second of the month of October and the twenty-second of February , came as a result of choosing the ancient Egyptians point in the path of Sunrise away from the points of course with a time of four months to comply with the October 22 and 22 February every year and then they built the temple so that the direction of the path that fall on the face of the sun , including Ramses II from the east of the narrow opening . And that the ancient Egyptians made ​​this slot so narrow that if you entered the sunlight in the day and landed on the statue's face it the next day deviate a small deviation of a quarter degree this fall rays the next day on the wall of the hole does not fall on the face of the statue.

Finder phenomenon:

I discovered this phenomenon in 1874 where she explored Amelia Eduarz and the team accompanying her to monitor this phenomenon and recorded in her book, published in 1899 ( thousand miles above the Nile ) which stated : become statues of the Holy of Holies , high-impact and surrounded by a halo of beautiful prestige and dignity at sunrise and fall rays on them, and Her any scenes if not watching the fall of the sun this entertains doubt strong impact, calculated accurately by astronomy and mathematics at the ancient Egyptians , where as accurately and face towards a certain angle so that the fall of these rays on the faces of the statues of the four .

The story of the transfer of the temple of Abu Simbel and the reasons for change as the sun passes :

It is worth mentioning that the occurrence of the sun passes over the Statue of Ramses was happening on October 21 and February 21 before 1964 , however, after the transfer of the temple of Abu Simbel after the cut to save him from drowning under the waters of the High Dam Lake in the early sixties from its old location , which were carved into the mountain to its current location , has become a phenomenon repeated on October 22 and February 22 , in order to change the latitude and longitude after the transfer of the temple 120 meters west and up 60 meters in the sixties of the last century, headed the government in Egypt, an urgent appeal to the United Nations and the countries of the world , to save the temple of Abu Simbel along with some Other temples attached from drowning is inevitable , because of the High Dam project and Lake " Nasser "
The process of transferring the temple of Abu Simbel from the most complicated transfers of buildings or monuments throughout history , and then the project cost more than $ 50 million , and participated by the finest architects and civilians in the world.
The big challenge is to maintain that unique phenomenon which is the principle of the sun passes in the temple of Abu Simbel after changing place , leading to a change in latitude and longitude , and thus delayed the duration of the day time as mentioned above.
It was the transfer of the temple of Abu Simbel successfully to become one of the biggest projects of the last century to the bulkiness and the precision with which requests implemented to keep the sun passes , especially that high interface Abu Simbel temple is 33 meters , and behind the entrance spread rooms and corridors were built deep in the mountain, decorated with statues , paintings and drawings hieroglyphics on walls , and weigh more than 200 000 tons .

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