Oct 8, 2013

temples of Karnak "1"

Karnak largest and most important temples in the Luxor area, a temple dedicated to the god Amun.

Famous Karnak due to being indeed a Group of multi temples which were built beginning of
 the 11 the family around the year 2134 BC., When Thebes was the center of the Egyptian religion.

The largest temple built in the ancient world, where an area of about 60 acres
And continued the Building of 1,500 Year.

The temples of Karnak is one of the biggest and greatest constructive what has huge edifices dedicated to the worship of the gods in the whole history of the world . Studies of these temples integrated detailed study is not an easy study complex but is largely Perhaps the reason for this is the disappearance of many parts of the temples and the demolition of other parts , but used set of furniture  for new buildings . There is no doubt that the edifices ten Temple of Amun -Ra at Karnak was filled with still large numbers of pieces of stone that was used Stuffing her and that took most likely of the other buildings and our guide on this is what was found cryptographic inside the edifice third held by the Amenhotep III Temple of Amun -Ra at Karnak .

The temples of Karnak includes ten edifices, six of which are on the east-west axis, and four North-south axis. In addition to the Temple of Rameses III, and a celebration of King tutmo III  and a garden of Amun, and the Chamber of grandparents, and holy lake, the museum is open, which includes booths Senusret I, Amenhotep I, Hatshepsut and Thutmose IV, and agroup statues of the goddess Sekhmet, and architectural elements other.

 And stand in the temple of Karnak obelisks, one of Queen Hatshepsut, and the other of King Thutmose I, in addition to the broken parts of the obelisk of Hatshepsut and others.

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